Sedation With My Kid’s Smile
At My Kid’s Smile, we recognize that while we are treating teeth, we are also treating the child as a whole. We want to make sure that every aspect is being considered while we treat each patient, and that we cultivate a fun and caring relationship with them. Our dentists always strive to ensure that every child is having a positive and comfortable experience at our office. Some children can experience anxiety or uneasiness when they see the dentist. To help improve the experience for these patients, we provide several different methods to help alleviate their anxiety. If a child needs a little extra help feeling more comfortable for their appointment, we offer nitrous oxide. This special air helps the child relax while remaining awake so they are more comfortable during the procedure. If nitrous oxide alone is not enough, we can provide oral sedation where the child will drink a medicine that will help relax them even further. We also offer general anesthesia in our office. An anesthesiologist provides the general anesthesia and the dentist is able to deliver high quality dentistry while the child is asleep. This allows us to complete any necessary treatment while also ensuring they wake up with no fear of the dentist. We also provide dental treatment in a hospital setting for those patients with medical conditions that require additional support.